Monday, April 23, 2007

Living with the Guys

Ahhhh, weekends…slipped back into two straight days of sleeping until noonish to cure a sleep deficit generated over the course of one week by a funky work schedule combined with frighteningly excessive coffee-drinking. Saturday’s somnolent bliss was followed by (yep) coffee in Capital Hill with Jason, who lately seems adamant about helping me improve my Japanese. Not that I can necessarily complain, being that completion of my degree depends on it. He’s pretty good at reminding me when I forget.

Following several years of feeling a bit locked in an antisocial cave I guess I can honestly admit the complex interaction with a whole new cast of characters in my life is a welcome blast of fresh air. The only difference now is that these people are not some illusion during one of my bouts of wishful thinking. With them I find myself going out for bubble tea, learning how to cook vegetarian, taking pictures the right way, staring at open skies, playing with a delightfully fluffy & feisty cat and figuring out how to hold my own in an intellectual argument based on logic. Beyond the fact that these two amazing men have welcomed me temporarily into their home during a period of huge transition, I’m pretty much happier now than I can really say I’ve ever been.

So here's what I can tell with regards to the present state of things:

The karma jar is full. I’m massively indebted. Life is good. Really good.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I'm Baaaaackkk...

Seeing as I’ve logged a gazillion hours on the internet without adding even a word to my name ever since I told myself I’d start blogging back in January, I figure now is as good a time as any to follow through. Whether I really have anything deep or “important” to tell anyone, I guess, really isn’t the point – plus who is to define what is deep or important anyway? Put simply, readers can see this one of two ways: (1) a means of maintaining some small purgative measure of sanity in the midst of chaos/the rat race/whatever one might call it (also known as the supposedly *grown up* realm of the capitalist work/spend treadmill, replete with graying temples and thickening middles) (2) on a purely selfish and very personal level, a self-tracking measure to keep myself motivated and on my toes.

To political theorists, environmentalists, poets, philosopher-poets and seekers of intellectual solace, I hope these ramblings are halfway decent fodder for spirited debate or at least good conversation. :) As far as my own purposes, it's is that this effort will help to stop likening my reclusive self to the student who says, “I’ll start writing my paper. Tomorrow.”

Another point which bears mentioning: SCREW cultivating a readership!

My goals would much more consist of such things as:
1. Making much ado about crap most people ignore or dismiss as petty (i.e., stories of our homeless, the nonsense behind the pricing and labeling of canned foods and such).
2. Exploring the world of ideas in the company of kindred minds.
3. Figuring out what it’s like to be awake!