Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Why We Shouldn't Ignore the Poor

I had an interesting encounter with a man on the street this evening. I'd just gotten out of an appointment with my therapist/counselor after an hour of rehashing old childhood memories which could be used to explain some of my current struggles, some of which were so painful to dig up that I'd spent the whole last hour suffering from a bout of leaky-faucet syndrome. At any rate, I guess I wasn't looking my hottest after that, but I was pretty dry-eyed by the time I'd hit the street so as not to announce to the whole world that I was feeling like crap. Pioneer Square being the characteristically poor neighborhood it is, I reacted with no surprise when a young black man in a baseball t-shirt walked up to me and asked me if I could spare some.
"Two dollars?" he asked. His accent I couldn't quite put a finger on.
"I'm sorry, I don't have any cash on me right now." (I truly didn't). "Plus I just started working after 6 months without a steady job, so I feel ya. Sorry."
"Let me tell you something about money," he said. Oh god, a penny lecture from a homeless person who thinks he's better than all the money grubbing status-hounds who trounce through downtown after work. "Money carries you, that's all it does. If you handle it just right, it lifts you up and gets you where you need to go. And I really hope you get there."
I blinked. That certainly was not what I had expected to come out of his mouth. Who was this person?
"You've nice eyes," he said. "If I had your eyes, I'd cry every day."
"What's your name?" I asked. Now I was smiling.
"I hope you get there too. It's funny you say that. I was just crying a little while ago." The faucet already was leaking.
"Maybe we'll meet in heaven, then," he replied, reaching out to give me a hug. "Just love, girl. You'll conquer the world."
And you already have, Vladimir. You already have.


Anonymous said...

Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.

I wish you Peace.


Anonymous said...

I recall a time someone when someone who looked quite poor came up to me on the street. I was in a hurry and before he could speak I blurted "Sorry, I don't carry cash". He replied "...ok...I was going to ask you for the time....".

Needless to say, I slowly walked home and pondered the implications of what just happened. Insulting him aside, the big issue was that I had, based only upon stereotypes and appearances, assumed his situation, his motives, and by far worst of all, his value as a human being (assuming such a quantifiable value can even exist). I suppose my hands weren't open enough to the universe, and as such, it gave me a lesson I couldn't ignore.

Everyone is sacred, and both you and the soul you spoke with were shining illustrations of that principal! Him for having insight I wish most of humanity had, and you for having the strength and patience to learn who people really are.
